Memberstack vs Bubble?

Post author
Colin Skotarski

Hi everyone!

I've just learned about Memberstack and I've been going through all it has to offer. I have 3+ years of React development experience and I was wondering if anyone can share their experience using Memberstack APIs/components with React. I'm looking to build a SaaS product as fast as possible and was wondering if I should do Memberstack with React or Memberstack + Bubble/WebFlow.

Thanks in advance 🙂



  • Comment author
    Tyler Bell

    Hey Colin!

    To be honest there’s really not a right answer to your question. It really depends on what your goals are and what you have experience with.

    Since your trying to build a SaaS product as quickly as possible, I would recommend you use what you already have experience with.
    If you do decide to go the React / Memberstack route,

    @Nicolas is the maintainer of our React package, so I’m sure he could help you out if any specific questions come up.

  • Comment author
    Nicolas Scott

    Just seeing this, I highly recommend the react package. Its pretty powerful and I'm not just saying that as the maintainer 😁

    Also recommend using it in Next.js! You can also use our @memberstack/admin package in serverless API routes with vercel / netlify if you use those to host your sites

  • Comment author
    Colin Skotarski

    @Nicolas no worries and thanks for the reply! I’ve decided to quickly build my SaaS with redwood js then I’ll be using your React memberstack package to handle memberships, payments, etc. Then I’ll deploy with vercel or netlify as you suggested. Let me know if you foresee any roadblocks I might face, if any, that I don’t see! 😅

  • Comment author
    Nicolas Scott

    Haven't tested in redwood.js so lmk how that turns out, though I don't see any issues or roadblocks that I can think of!

    Keep me posted and lmk if you need anything.
    Feel free to join the #react channel as well!

  • Comment author
    Graham Ferguson

    Can Memberstack be used with Bubble?

  • Comment author
    Julian Galluzzo

    Typically, Memberstack works with anything that allows data attributes!


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