[Wishlist] Ability to display member 'subscription' data using data attributes Planned
As you can display 'custom field data' in a user dashboard using the IDs and attributes, it would be great to be able to have an ID for each 'subscription' they're signed up to in Memberstack, so a user's subscription info can be easily displayed in the same way.
Hey Jonathan Dixon, I totally agree 👍
Which data is most important to display in your opinion? We have a few different prototypes and will likely release this functionality in stages.
Hi Duncan
I'd like to display the 'paid' subscription/s title and price in a user dashboard - screenshots of data below (I can only extract the planID for the 'free' plan via zapier at the moment, the paid plan doesn't show up - so I'm getting that data directly from Stripe).
So was wondering if an ID could be applied to the plans name and price, paid or free, within Memberstack to make it as easily accessible as the custom data.
Ideally I'd also like to access a 'sign-up date' and therefore also display 'next payment' dates - for recurring paid subcriptions.
To confirm in this case, the website would be free to sign up then multiple extra 'paid' subscriptions would be available to each member. (Its currently in test mode so not sure if thats made a difference with zapier).
Data in Memberstack:
Data from memberstack via zapier:
Thank you for this 🙏 I've saved all of your comments to our roadmap. Hopefully we can do something here later in the quarter.
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