[Wishlist] [✅ Answered] Don't know when a plan changes or when a plan's status changes Answered

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Memberstack Team
[This post was migrated from our old community roadmap]
1) I use another platform/CMS to serve my member's only content. I need to know when someone's plan (membership) is canceled, expires, etc. so I can revoke access.
2) I need to gate or grant access depending on their payment status. I’d like to have Kajabi “trigger” for say a tag added of “cancel membership” and then have Memberstack either delete the member OR update the member type.
3) Manually revoke access. Build something custom to manage permissions.
4) I need ways of knowing when a plan's status changes and/or when a plan changes.


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack
    • Official comment

    We've added more options in the API to get alerts when a plan status changes. You can use Make.com, Zapier, or our Webhooks for this. 

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