[Shipped] Programmatically apply coupons & discounts Completed
1) The problem → I have an incentive program which applies larger discounts as members spend more money each month. However, there's no way to make this work with Memberstack right now. It's only possible to apply coupons manually during checkout.
2) Why is this important → It's critical to my pricing.
3) What's your plan B → Manually apply discounts, stop offering the discounts, etc.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Automatically apply a discount based on the member's monthly spend or cart total.
Giftup App has a very straightforward interface that facilitates this kind of thing for their gift card application. Maybe it's more of a promotion object than coupon object. They are also just doing it on the checkout rather than calculating monthly total spend... We could also potentially just run a monthly spend report at the customer level in Stripe and process credit there... Make sense?
Hi all 👋 Great news! This feature is now complete.
Automatically Apply a Coupon a Checkout →
Tim: Did I summarize well?
I'm assuming you'd need to know a member's monthly spend so far, and apply a coupon when applicable. I'm trying to imagine how a no-code version of this might work... If cart total or monthly spend is greater than $280 then apply a 20% discount during checkout. Ignore discount for plan A, charges, etc.
It could get complicated quickly 😬 But the API/custom code version would make quite a bit of sense to me.
Giftup App have a very straightforward interface that facilitates this kind of thing for their gift card application. Maybe it's more of a promotion object than coupon object. They are also just doing it on the checkout rather than calculating monthly total spend... We could also potentially just run a monthly spend report at the customer level in Stripe and process credit there... Make sense?
Ooooh this is so helpful. A picture really is worth a thousand words
Migrated from the old community forum 👇👇👇👇
Olivier Pourquier | Jan
I would love to know if there is a trick / way to automatically apply a coupon code at the payment step?
Basically, I will set up one coupon, and instead of letting users fill the code section, It’ll be automatically be applied.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Olivier Pourquier | Jan
Thanks for the answer!
Alright, I’ll probably implement that in the future!
Thanks again!
Olivier Pourquier | Jan
Here is the code needed, just in case someone needs it:
Olivier Pourquier | Kamel Apr
Hey Kamel,
I’ve a subscription page, where users can select the offer they want to subscribe for.
It’s on this page I added the code, Before tag.
(It’s the page before the stripe form).
Quick note, I updated the code since then, not sûre if It’s still working.
Will advice you to check with a developper to make it works as you would like.
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