[Wishlist] Admin notifications (new signup, new customer, etc.) Planned

Post author
Memberstack Team
1) The problem → I have to log into Memberstack to find out what's been happening.
2) Why is this important → I could go for 2-1000 customers because someone famous shared a link to my project and I'd have no idea! If my site starts to take off, I want to be able to react quickly. It's also extremely helpful for sales, connecting with new customers, and staying motivated.
3) What's your plan B → Setup notifications via Zapier. E.g. If a new member signs up, send me an email.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Direct integration with Slack, email, phone, etc. to send real-time notifications, daily round-ups, weekly round-ups, monthly round-ups, etc.



  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    We plan to tackle this problem at some point in the future. Please upvote or comment to receive notifications. 

  • Comment author
    Bruce McCaughan

    When you sign up, you fill out a form. Virtually any form on the web, since like, 2003 has had admin notification and auto-reply to customer, emails. I am shocked that this doesn't exists with Memberstack. Connecting with 3rd-party mailers? C'mon, you can do better than that :-)

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    Thanks for posting! Back in the day when it was just Tyler and I, the list of things we "should do" was miles long. Being only two folks, we had to decide what to cut and what to keep. This is one of those things that got cut, but will most definitely be included in the future!

    In the meantime, can you explain 1) What problem these sorts of emails will solve for you. 2) Why it's important to you/your business. We have a decent idea of what emails we want to automate, but I've learned to avoid assumption whenever possible!

  • Comment author
    Bruce McCaughan

    Hi Duncan. Thanks for the reply!

    I have actually sent that (the 4 questions) along to Matthew (along with 2 other "problems" earlier this evening).

    To me, it's just kind of a no-brainer (sorry to put it that way). When someone signs up for something (or send a web form), they get an automated thank-you email. And more importantly, the owner gets notified of a new member.

    I suppose if you are taking payment, then everything should be in place and the owner might not need (or want) to be bothered.

    I am new here. My first project is for a client who needs a gated area for a handful of investors for a large Rural Electrification project in Myanmar. So, we won't be charging to signup, nor will we have a public facing sign-up form. But, we will want to send vetted investors to sign themselves up (for a Membership with no content approved), and once they do, we would manually upgrade them to the gated content.

    As convoluted as my example is, I would still want the option of email notifications and customer autoresponders for any project I do with MemberStack.

  • Comment author
    Josh Lopez

    This would be good as a setting toggle. Memberstack could send the admin of the site on new signups, cancelations, etc.

  • Comment author
    Duncan Hamra

    See Micheal's comment about a notifications inbox. Would be way more likely to stay on vs constant email notifications.


  • Comment author
    Vincent Ertveld

    Hey Duncan and Team,

    Any news on that front ?
    Got 52 members before I understood nothing was built in to be notified... It left me puzzled to say the least.



  • Comment author
    Joshua Windatt

    I also could also do with this tackling. The site I've created requires manually adding new members to restricted content for security purposes. I'm sure I could find a way to add something on top of the existing sign up page that notifies me but am hoping I don't have to.

  • Comment author
    Jan Popovic

    Just came across this and am also surprised that this feature hasn't been prioritized up to this point. Duncan, please consider revisiting it.

    When a new client signs up, it's a strong signal that they have a problem we can help them solve. Our reaction speed directly affects their onboarding experience and contributes to their first impression with our product or service. Reacting in a personalized way within an hour vs. a day or creates a tremendous difference in customer's perception of whether we really care about solving their problem or not. The longer the delay, the higher the chance they will meanwhile turn to a competitor.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Comment author
    Duncan from Memberstack

    Jan Popovic Thank you for your message 🙏 


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