In this article, you learn how to recreate a Memberstack plan. For this demo, I'll show you how to create a Basic Plan with monthly and yearly pricing. Once you understand that workflow, you'll be able to create as many pricing options as you like.
Creating a Plan
The first step is to create a paid plan.
- Go to your Memberstack dashboard and click Plans on the side menu.
- Click the Add plan button at the top of the page.
On the next page:
- Click the Paid Plan option and then Next.
- Enter the plan name. (required).
- Enter a description. (optional - you can come back later and fill in this field).
- Click Create Plan. Memberstack returns to the Plans page
Adding a Price
If this is your first paid plan, you might be prompted to connect your Memberstack account to your Stripe account. If so, complete that connection before going on to the next steps. If not, keep reading and create a Monthly price.
- FYI Click here to learn how to connect with Stripe.
The next step is to add a monthly price to the plan.
- On the Plans page, select the plan you just created.
- Go to the panel on the right and expand the Prices folder.
- Click the + Add button.
- FYI Explore other plan configuration options like adding a signup rule.
On the new panel:
- Enter a price name.
- Select Recurring.
- Enter a price.
- Select a currency.
- Add a frequency.
- Click Create Price.
- FYI Expand the Additional options folder to explore pricing options, such as adding a setup fee.
Take a minute to read the text in the confirmation popup. If it looks, good, click the Create new price button.
- FYI It's not possible the edit the details after you create a price. If there is a problem, you can always archive (but not delete) a price and then create a new one.
After you create the basic price, Memberstack returns to the Plans page. To create the yearly price option, repeat the steps described above.
You might end up with a new price that look something like this.
After you create a second price, Memberstack returns to the Plans page. The Prices folder has two options.
Installing Price Information
To link this price information to your site:
- Expand the Installation folder on the Plans page.
- Select a price and copy the attribute over to your site.
That's all.
Now you know how to create two prices for a paid plan.
Hello Duncan,
I have the option to edit the plan price in Stripe. Would doing that break the connection to Memberstack?
Hey Robyn Harrison
Changing the price in stripe will not break the connection to Memberstack with v 2.0!
The yearly option does not show just monthly
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